Our Biological Connections

The Blends

The Wiring of Connection

The pull we feel towards connecting with others is more than just a societal norm or emotional longing – it’s a dance choreographed by our biological connections. Let’s uncover the science behind why we thrive in our connections – in the first post of our Welcoming Wisdom series – and why those same connections may challenges us when seeking to change.


They are our brain’s natural “feel good” chemicals. When we laugh, bond, or enjoy shared activities, our brain releases endorphins. This wraps us in a comforting blanket of happiness and togetherness. In some cases, they can even reduce pain. Regular release of our endorphins can boost our overall mood and even improve our immune system response.


Is the “love hormone” that goes beyond just romantic feelings. It’s pivotal in forming close bonds, lasting relationships, and trust. Consistent oxytocin release through positive interactions can help reduce anxiety and promote feelings of calm and safety.


Is one of the drivers behind our actions – pushing us towards what feels rewarding. Whether it’s a pat on the back, shared joy, or mutual appreciation – it is dopamine that is at work to make us come back for more. Over time, seeking positive social interactions can contribute to improved self-esteem and a more optimistic outlook.

Mirror Neurons

They are the “empathy neurons” that allow us to “mirror” what others are feeling – bridging the gap between ourselves and others. When you feel a tug in your heart seeing someone else’s emotion, these neurons are at play. Cultivating these mirror neurons and empathy leads to better communication, increased cooperation, and stronger relationships in group settings.

Our Biological Connections | Everyday Magic At Work

Our biological connections are more than just about survival – it’s about thriving in togetherness in our own body, mind, and spirit, and with others. Understanding these connections help us cherish every moment – knowing it contributes to our overall well-being – both, as individuals and communities.

Words of Wisdom

“Know thyself” – Socrates

Without knowing ourselves – through our body, mind, and spirit – how do we expect to make lasting change in our lives? How would we know if we are for or against ourselves? Could these same biological connections that drive us for connection be leading us to not want to make proactive change? Do we feel good knowing the certainties of our routines – for better or worse?

Wisdom Workout

Step 1 | Reflect on how your biological connections play a role in your daily life. Jot down the times your mind is at odds with your body. Inversely, jot down the times your body is at odds with your mind.

Step 2 | Have you explored your own limits? Are you more limited by your mind or body? Do the changes you want to make favor one over the other?

Step 3 | Seek support – whether it is an app, journal, person, pet, or yourself – for the changes you want to make. These biological connections aren’t just limited to humans – we’re wired for support with nature too. Caution: seeking support doesn’t mean it only comes in the manners and ways we expect it to.

Step 4 | Most importantly – know thyself – these little signals are the first step to becoming aware of how to overcome the initial challenges of change. For even better chances of success – use that self-knowledge to start small by aligning your body and mind (easy to say and hard to do).

Important Note | With patience and self-kindness – in time – these same connections will rework themselves and push you towards your highest potential. Seek a health or medical professional if necessary.

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**Note | Our blog is designed for educational purposes and is not a substitute for professional medical advice. Always consult a healthcare professional before starting a new health regimen. The FDA hasn't evaluated our content, and it's not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

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